Saturday, February 03, 2007

My Favorite Super Bowl Commercial of All-Time

The moment of truth is upon can cut the tension with a knife. Anyway, on with it.

#1: Apple - 1984 - I think this is not only the best Super Bowl commercial of all time, but could be the best commercial of all time, period. The tie-in with George Orwell's "1984" and the implied comparison of IBM to Big Brother is brilliant. Apple's always sought to identify itself as innovate, different, and ahead of the curve. And this commercial does all that in an exceedingly clever way. Not to mention the production qualities of the commercial are excellent.

The ad is before my time, but I can't help but give it the top spot because I've never seen anything better.

As for tomorrow, I'm not expecting to see anything on the level of this masterpiece - all I'm hoping for is an upgrade from the mediocrity of recent years. And for God sakes, please let's not have too many pharmaceutical commercials.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This definitely is one of the best commercials of all time- and it did premiere during the superbowl- but does that make it a superbowl commercial? In my mind "superbowl commercial" has become its own genre...although I guess it really is good if it breaks the mold

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